Presentation of accounts:
Mutual funds , should prepare schemewise balance sheet as per Annexure IA and IB of Eleventh Schedule of SEBI (Mutual Funds) Regulations 1996. As per regulation 54, every mutual fund or asset management company shall prepare in respect of each financial year an annual report and annual statement of accounts of the schemes and funds.
The balance sheet shall give schemewise particulars of its assets and liabilities and shall contain particulars as per Eleventh Schedule. It should also disclose accounting policies relating to valuation of investments and other important items. Under each type of investment, the aggregate carrying value and market value of non-performing investments shall be disclosed. It should also indicate the extent of provision made in revenue account for the depreciation /loss in the value of non -performing investments. It shall also disclose per unit Net Asset Value (NAV) as at the end of accounting year. Previous year figures should also be given against each item.
It should also indicate the appropriation of surplus by way of transfer to reserves and dividend distributed. It should also contain -
- Provision for aggregate value of doubtful deposits, debts and outstanding and Accrued income.
- Profit or loss in sale and redemption of investment may be shown on a net basis.
- Custodian and registrar fees.
- Total income and expenditure expressed as a percentage of average net assets, calculated on a weekly basis.
Schemewise balance sheet normally contains the information under following groups -
Asset side - Investments, Deposits, Other Current Assets, Fixed Assets, Deferred revenue expenditure
Liability side - Unit capital, Reserves and surpluses, Loans, Current liabilities,
Accounting Policies:
Accounting policies of mutual fund schemes are somewhat different from those of an industrial concern. Ninth schedule to SEBI (Mutual Fund) Regulations 1996 deal with accounting policies and standards to be adopted by a mutual fund.
The accounting policies generally cover the following areas -
1. Basis of Accounting
The fund maintain its books of account on an accrual basis.
2. Portfolio Valuation
Investment are stated at market/fair value at the balance sheet date/date of determination. In valuing the scheme's investments.
(i) Securities listed on a recognized stock exchange are valued at the last quoted price on the principal exchange on which the security is traded.
(ii) Money market instruments are valued at fair value as determined in good faith by Asset Management Company (AMC)
3. Securities Transactions
Investment securities transactions are accounted for on a trade date basis. The scheme uses the average cost method for determining the realized gain or loss on sale of investments.
4. Investment Income
Dividend and interest income are recorded on an accrual basis.
5. Deferred Revenue Expenditure
Initial issue costs comprise those costs directly associated with the issue of units of the scheme and include brokerage/incentive fees on issue of units, advertising and marketing costs, registrar fees and expenses and printing and despatch cost, which are being amortized over a period of ten financial years.
6. Dividend Equalization Reserve
The net distributable income relating to units issued/repurchased is transferred from/to Dividend Equalization Reserve for Dividend Plan for determining the net surplus/deficit transferred to /from Unit Premium Reserve.
The Scheme does not intend to declare dividends or make any other distribution in respect of units held under the Growth Plan and accordingly has not accounted for Dividend Equalization in respect of this plan during the year.
7. Unit Premium Reserve
Upon issue and redemption of units, the net premium or discount to face value of units is adjusted against the Unit Premium Reserve of the Scheme, after an appropriate portion of the issue proceeds and redemption payout is credited or debited respectively to the Dividend Equalization Reserve.
The Unit Premium Reserve is available for dividend distribution except to the extent it is presented by unrealized net appreciation in value of investments and deferred revenue expenditure.
8. Agent's Commission
Agents commission expenses are not considered as distribution charges.